What Did God Say?

What Did God Say?

Format: ePUB
Country: KENYA

KSh 800.00

What Did God Say? Answers a very commonly asked question – ”How do I know whether he or she is the one to marry?”


What Did God Say? Answers a very commonly asked question – ”How do I know whether he or she is the one to marry?”

It begins by addressing how we can position ourselves to hear God and how He speaks to us, which is key to answering the above question. In addition, the book tackles topics one should gain knowledge and wisdom in before saying ‘‘I DO’’.

It concludes by answering the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on dating, courtship and engagement.

It is a resourceful instrument in the hands of;

  • A  youth to help them know how to hear God and shape their mindset early enough on godly dating and courtship.
  • A parent to equip them to train and guide their children on holistic living
  • A Premarital counselor to enrich their counseling materials
  • Anyone who desires to hear God and enhance their Personal Development

Watch our interview with Author Faith Koki Munyua below. (Click to expand)

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