The God Who Sees

The God Who Sees

Author: Paulie Mugo
Format: ePUB
Country: KENYA

KSh 400.00

The stories in this book are a glimpse into the Lord’s precious work in my life, and in that of those around me. Every single experience has left me in great awe of His astounding compassion for us, His beloved children. And each is well and truly an amazing encounter with the love of God.

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Publisher: Books For My Soul
Product ID: 4104


One night, the Lord Jesus appeared to me while I was praying and said these words to me: “Put your hands in mine, close your eyes and stand up..”

So I did. And He led me, eyes tightly shut, from my seat, over my kneeling cushion, across my prayer room and back to my original position. Not once did I stumble or so much as touch any of the furniture in my path. And later, He faithfully gave me this scripture:

“..And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.”

The stories in this book are a glimpse into the Lord’s work in my life, and in that of those around me. Every single experience has left me in great awe of His astounding compassion for us, His beloved children. And each is well and truly an amazing encounter with the love of God.

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Paulie Mugure Mugo

I am a published author and blogger, having authored three books and an ongoing blog. Most of my writing centers around personal testimonies from my life and the lives of those around me, and I also write inspirational stories based on Scripture. I am an avid reader, though I rarely read works of fiction as, in my view, nothing can be as fascinating as the world we live in.

Another of my favourite pursuits is promoting the production and consumption of Christian eBooks in Africa. In this regard, I established this platform, Books For My Soul, to enable African authors easily market their Christian books, in eBook format, across the length and breadth of our continent without having to leave their borders.

I live in Nairobi, Kenya, with my husband and four boisterous offspring.

You can purchase any of my books on this page or view my blog here.

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