26 Interlocks of Bricks and Weaves

26 Interlocks of Bricks and Weaves

Author: Anne Mbotela
Format: ePUB
Country: KENYA

KSh 550.00

26 Interlocks of Bricks and Weaves is the first of a series of books on understanding men and women.

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Product ID: 4932


26 Interlocks of Bricks and Weaves is the first of a series of my books in understanding men and women; much more the why of how they do life. It is dubbed Relationships 101 and inspired by my love to listen to heartfelt needs of both adults and youth aged anywhere between 16 to 40 years.

While the demography is debatable, boy-girl issues affect everyone. For purposes of this book the author uses the analogy of bricks to represent guys perspectives, while weaves speak about the ladies.

Men appear tough as bricks on surface but that’s not always the case; while women are stereotyped to spurn or weave things around, rather than cutting to the chase.

In 26 A-Z pointers, a conversation ensues to demystify relationship notions as believers and see how the gap between the two genders can be bridged.

I posit that figuratively if bricks and weaves (men and women) are left on their own, they gather dust; in fact, they atrophy.

This book is pinned on 1st Corinthians 13 – LOVE…as being the greatest, yet with attributes of what that looks like.

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