Books For My Soul is one of Africa’s first online bookshops specializing exclusively in Christian eBooks.
Our eBooks cover every area of the Christian life, including relationships and family, personal growth and development, Biblical inspiration, prayer, scripture and even kingdom-focused business, entrepreneurship, leadership and governance.
You will also find that the books have very friendly prices, making them easily accessible to you, our valued reader. Prices are displayed in several African currencies, as we endeavour to reach more readers (and authors) from across the continent.
If you are an author, and would like to list your eBook on our website, please send us your details here.We welcome and celebrate authors from all over Africa.
Readers, please feel free to browse our growing catalogue here – we hope you will find a few eBooks that catch your eye! We look forward to seeing you purchase, download and enjoy your favourites.
Stay blessed,
Paulie Mugure Mugo
Founder & CEO,
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